
The “Aquastory” Project (Aquametragem) was promoted by Lisboa E-Nova and consisted on the development, production and directing of a short animation film about the efficient use of water, for a broad dissemination to the general public.


Co-financed by the Portuguese Environmental Fund, it aimed at raising awareness to a change of behaviour in water consumption habits and management, thus contributing to water sustainability. To achieve this goal, it combined culture with sustainability, approaching these topics in an artistic and playful way, while transmitting relevant and educational information to the general public. The film intended to cover several sub-themes related to water (such as efficient use, recycled water, virtual water and the water-energy nexus), emphasizing the 5 R’s of water (Reduce water Consumption, Reduce Wastage, Reuse Water, Recycle Water, and Resort to Alternative Sources).


This 3D digital animation short film, made in computer graphics imagery, has the executive production of Lisboa E-Nova, was written and directed by Marina Lobo, Environmental Engineer and Master in 3D Animation and produced by aToca Digital Animation. With about 6 minutes, it is available for viewing and free download, constituting an open educational resource available to all. The project has the support of EGEAC, which promoted the transmission of this film through its cultural events and facilities, and also the support of the Lisbon Municipality.


In July 2019, Aquastory won the PROTECT OUR PLANET category in the ODS in Action international competition, the United Nations Film Festival about Sustainable Development Goals. This Festival was launched in 2018 and aims to evaluate and reward, in six distinct categories, short films about projects or people that promote the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Other Awards:

Bronze Award in Short Film Unit in the 2019 Handle Climate Change Film Festival, China”

CineEco Seia 2019 – Water Value Award – Epal

New Earth International Film Festival, Best Animation Short Film, Poland,  2019

Animated Eco Film Award in the 11º GOLDEN KUKER Festival – SOFIA, International Animation Film Festival (Bulgaria)

Official Selection
Alter do Chão Film Festival Competitive Show – FestAlter (Brasil)

International Film Festival of Cinema & Sea (Morocco)

Sinevisyon (Cyprus)

SUNCINE – FICMA Environmental Film Festival (Barcelona / Spain)

IV MIFF Mequinensa International Film Festival 2019 – Spain

CINANIMA 2019 – International Animated Film Festival of Espinho – National competition (Portugal)

National Animation  Prize 2019 – “Professional films” category, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal

Bang Awads –  International Animated Film Festival, Best online film Award, Torres Vedras, Portugal

Green Vision – XXIV International Environmental Film Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia

The short film was released at Cinema S. Jorge in Lisbon on the November 26th 2018, and included a presentation on objective 6 of the ODS “Water and Sanitation”.



Synopsis: Hidro was hit by luck. Water is all around him and seems to have no end. But his joy is interrupted by warning signs. After all, water is limited and scarce. Is it too late? Will the H2O family be able to change their behaviours and manage this resource efficiently by applying the 5 R’s of water (Reduce water Consumption, Reduce Wastage, Reuse Water, Recycle Water, and Resort to Alternative Sources)?



Portugal, 2018, 6:23, digital animation in 3D

Executive Production: Lisboa E-Nova

Written and directed by: Marina Lobo

Production: aToca Digital animation

Scientific and pedagogical design and coordination: Lisboa E-Nova

Available at:

Promoter: Lisboa E-Nova

Partnership: EGEAC

Co-financing: Fundo Ambiental

Support: Lisbon City Council

Concept art / Drawing of characters / Story board / Animatic / Texturing / Lighting / Render / Edition: Marina Lobo

Object design / modeling / shading: Marina Lobo and Ricardo Pais

Rigging / Skinning / Fluid Simulation: Nuno Felix

Animation: Sérgio Dias and Manel Bello

Composition / Post Production: Marina Lobo and Filipa Lobo

Audio Production: Buggin Media

Original Mix: André Neto

Mixture: Hugo Santos

Sonoplasty: Filipe Chagas and José Caeiro

Youtube version PT

Youtube version English

download version PT

download version English

