SÃO VICENTE CÁ FORA was a unique initiative to explore new ways of using public space, seeking to strengthen the dialogue with the local community through the development of diverse activities, which took place in the neighborhood of the National Pantheon, in the parish of São Vicente de Fora, in Lisbon.
Conceived for a pre-pandemic time, the COVID-19 caused the disruption of an entire initial plan, contrary to the initial intention of attracting the population, residents, walkers and curious, in order to ensure effective and safe conditions for the continuation of activities.
All this change forced the initiative to rethink, to explore different formats and methodologies.
These new approach shapes, however, guaranteed the fulfillment of the initial objectives: to explore new ways of using public space, linking concepts of art, sustainability, creativity and innovation, through actions to raise awareness of urban, climate and local circularity challenges.
The initial project foresaw that the new esplanade, created for this purpose, would be the privileged stage for all conversations and workshops, but with the less positive evolution of the pandemic situation, the actions were relegated to the digital, leaving the artistic intervention reserved for the multi-sensorial impact and individual or peer experimentation that pass through this neighborhood of Lisbon.
Under the Lisboa E-nova technical coordination, this initiative is part of the SUSHI Project, in the framework of adaptation to climate change, which involves six historic centers in Southern Europe, and which explores innovative integrated solutions, such as tactical urbanism, in the resolution of environmental and socio-economic challenges that have led to a process of gentrification, desertification and characteristics loss of historic neighborhoods.
Starting from the artistic intervention of three artists, recently graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, represented by Zet Gallery, Alberto Rodrigues Marques, Henrique Palmeirim and Hugo Castilho, they develop the alignment of creativity and achieved the objectives exposed, of the four key actions, to explain, extend, strapping and expect.
We strongly encourage you to explore the other initiatives, to browse the best photographs, to discover the singularities of São Vicente, to watch the videos with inspirational interviews with artists, residents, entrepreneurs and professionals, the workshops, the best moments of this memorable moment.

The historic districts are the “Soul” of the city of Lisbon. What is the role of sustainability?
What is are S. Vicente Cá Fora? Know the program…